Microbiology & Immunology Research Track Details
Degree Requirements
❱ Required coursework
❱ Research tool requirement
❱ Qualifying or comprehensive examination (As part of candidacy requirements, oral and/or written comprehensive candidacy examination depending on the chosen track)
❱ Graduate School expository writing requirement
❱ Graduate School Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement
❱ Dissertation
❱ Final oral examination/Dissertation defense
Research Areas & Interests
❱ Cellular and molecular biology
❱ Immunology
❱ Microbial genetics, microbial cell biology, microbial pathogenesis
❱ Virology
Faculty Research Interests
A sampling of research interests
- Bacterial Genetics
- Bacterial Gene Regulation
- Bacteria-Host Interactions
- RNA Based Gene Regulation
- Viral Genetics
- Virus – Host Interactions
- Human Genetics and Genetic Variation
- Cellular and Molecular Immunology
- Cancer Biology
- Cellular and Molecular Biology of Cancer Metastasis
- Genetic epidemiology of breast cancer and prostate cancer
Research Track Subfields
Cellular and Molecular Biology
Students can pursue research interests utilizing molecular biological techniques. Specific faculty research interests are in three areas: (a) cellular and molecular biology and cancer metastasis, (b) human molecular genetics, anticancer agents, and cell biology, and (c) analysis of connective tissue protein gene expression.
Students can pursue research in (a) immunochemistry, (b) immunogenetics, genetic epidemiology of breast cancer, prostate cancer, and diabetes, and (c) cellular immunology.
Microbial Genetics, Microbial Cell Biology, Microbial Pathogenesis
Students can pursue research in (a) Genetic analysis of bacteria, (b) Genetic and molecular analysis of bacteria-host interactions; (c) Regulation of bacterial gene expression in bacteria.
Students may pursue research in the characterization of viral pathogenesis caused by CMV, HIV, Ebola virus, viral replication, and viral genetics, including HIV and CMV immunogenetics.
Program of Study*
MICR 300 Biology of Pathogens I
MICR 303 Biology of Pathogens II
MICR 304 Cellular Molecular Immunology
MICR 305 Cell Biology
MICR 307 Virology
(MICR 300 and 303 may be restructured due to changes in the 1st year)
MICR 228 Special Topics
*Courses included in the sample program of study are subject to change. Students should consult with their programs regarding their required program of study.
Admission to Candidacy
Students are admitted to formal candidacy by the Graduate School when they have completed the required coursework, have passed the comprehensive/qualifying exam requirement, submitted an approved topic for research, and been recommended by the Department. The dissertation proposal and an oral defense of the proposal are mandatory components of the comprehensive/qualifying exam requirement for each track. Additionally, some tracks may include an extra component of the comprehensive candidacy examination. Candidates must also have satisfied the Graduate School expository writing requirement and Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement.
Graduate Funding
Admitted students may be eligible to compete for Graduate School competitive awards, which provide tuition remission and a stipend during the academic year. Additionally, graduate research or teaching assistantships may be available at the department level. Research assistants and teaching assistants work no more than 20 hours a week under the program's direction, usually in support of faculty research (research assistants) or in support of assigned courses (teaching assistants). Please see the Funding website for more detailed information.