Pharmacology & Therapeutics Research Track Details

Degree Requirements 

   ❱  Required coursework
   ❱  Research tool requirement 
   ❱  Qualifying or comprehensive examination (As part of candidacy requirements, oral and/or written comprehensive candidacy examination depending on the chosen track)
   ❱  Graduate School expository writing requirement
   ❱  Graduate School Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement
   ❱  Dissertation
   ❱  Final oral examination/Dissertation defense 

Research Areas & Interests

    ❱  Neuropharmacology
    ❱  Behavioral pharmacology
    ❱  Cardiovascular pharmacology
    ❱  Renal pharmacology
    ❱  Molecular and cellular pharmacology
    ❱  Cancer pharmacology
    ❱  Endocrine pharmacology
    ❱  Clinical pharmacology
    ❱  Toxicology

Faculty Research Interests

A sampling of research interests 

  • Frequencies and types of adverse events associated with rapid alcohol dosing
  • Influence of neuropeptide regulation and gut microbiota on foraging and food choice
  • Neuropeptide regulation of binge eating and cocaine-seeking
  • Effects of typical and new estrogen receptors on neuronal function, particularly on neuritogenesis
  • Fine mechanisms involved in the intracellular traffic of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR)
  • Neurodegenerative mechanisms and exploring novel interventions, particularly in relation to Parkinson’s disease
  • Molecular actions of drugs of abuse on the development of central and peripheral nervous systems
  • Behavioral and neurotoxicological consequences of prenatal and neonatal drug administration
  • Biological substrates of neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders using animal and cell models
  • Life-span consequences of prenatal exposure to cocaine and nicotine
  • Role of loud noise in the etiology of autism and depression
  • Biological effects of natural compounds on prostate cancer using in vitro and in vivo models to target novel molecular products
  • Neuropharmacological and behavioral approaches to study hormonal regulation of orexin functioning the central nervous system
  • Psychostimulants and central control of cardiovascular and respiratory function
  • Effects of neuroleptics upon dopamine-containing cells in the retina
  • Drug development of new anti-cancer drugs for prostate and breast cancer
  • Detection of dopamine and metabolites by HPLC with electrochemical methods and medical informatics

Program of Study*


PHAR   219    Graduate Biomedical Informatics

PHSI     210     Medical Physiology

PHAR    203    Introduction to Theory and Methods in Toxicology

PHAR    216    General and Systemic Pharmacology I

PHAR    217    General and Systemic Pharmacology II


A sample of Elective courses in Pharmacology & Therapeutics Research Track:

PHAR    208     Advanced Problems in Pharmacology

PHAR    209     Drug Development in Clinical Pharmacology

PHSI      251     Advance Endocrinology

PHAR    425     Seminar: Special Topics in Pharmacology

PHSI      260     Cardiovascular Physiology

PHAR    220     Alcohol Studies

PHSI      269     Renal Physiology

PHSI      252     Cell and Molecular Physiology

PHSI      206     Neurophysiology

PHAR     212     Cellular and Biochem Pharm

PHAR     301     Forensic Toxicology

PHAR     302     Biological Effect of Toxic Substances

PHAR     308     Clinical Toxicology

PHAR     424     Special topics in Neuropharmacology


*Courses included in the sample program of study are subject to change. Students should consult with their programs regarding their required program of study.

Admission to Candidacy 

Students are admitted to formal candidacy by the Graduate School when they have completed the required coursework, have passed the comprehensive/qualifying exam requirement, submitted an approved topic for research, and been recommended by the Department. The dissertation proposal and an oral defense of the proposal are mandatory components of the comprehensive/qualifying exam requirement for each track. Additionally, some tracks may include an extra component of the comprehensive candidacy examination. Candidates must also have satisfied the Graduate School expository writing requirement and Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) requirement. 

Graduate Funding 

Admitted students may be eligible to compete for Graduate School competitive awards, which provide tuition remission and a stipend during the academic year. Additionally, graduate research or teaching assistantships may be available at the department level. Research assistants and teaching assistants work no more than 20 hours a week under the program's direction, usually in support of faculty research (research assistants) or in support of assigned courses (teaching assistants). Please see the Funding website for more detailed information.