Did You Know

did you know

Howard Graduate Dean Dana Williams was on MSNBC?

Dr. Dana A. Williams, the Graduate Dean was on MSNBC’s The ReidOut recently discussing findings in a report on Black Michigan voters produced by one of the Graduate School's innovative programs—the Howard Initiative on Public Opinion (HIPO). To learn more about HIPO and their recent polls (on Black Michigan voters and on Super Tuesday), visit: gs.howard.edu/research/howard-initiative-public-opinion

Howard and the American Institutes for Research (AIR) have joint programs?

In late February, Howard and AIR co-sponsored a distinguished lecture with Dr. Odis Johnson entitled Race, AI, and the School-to-Prison Probabilities. His presentation explored the inequitable racial impact of "hardening schools" with the implementation of AI and other enhancements to the security and punishment infrastructure of educational institutions to prevent gun violence. Dr. Johnson concluded by highlighting alternative policies and practices that have the potential to make schools safer, more affirming for minoritized youth, and supportive of academic excellence.

AIR also has opportunities for graduate students to do internships and receive mentoring.  Read more here.

BisonHub is coming?

The system that faculty and staff currently call Workday and the system students will use for their academic and financial transactions, will now be called BisonHub! BisonHub is Howard's version of the global cloud-based system, Workday. Every month the website below is updated to include new features that students can appreciate. Use this link to access and bookmark the website to stay up to date: bisonhub.howard.edu

