Dean's Corner

dana williams headshot

By Dana A. Williams 

As we gather for Howard’s 100th Homecoming, I am filled with pride about the ways we’ve given alumni reasons to celebrate the spirit of our institution over the years. I remember my first Howard homecoming. It was nothing like my homecoming experiences at Grambling where, as an undergraduate, I had far more discretionary time. Rather, Homecoming at Howard as a graduate student was a brief respite from pages and pages of reading and, importantly, a reminder that I was a part of a larger community dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. As graduate dean, Homecoming has become a celebration of growth, connection, and the enduring legacy of the graduate studies at the university.

Homecoming is more than a reunion (though it certainly is that). It’s also an opportunity to come back to alma mater to celebrate the work you’ve done in the world. We come home to rest and rejuvenate so that we are ready to do even more. Homecoming offers a unique opportunity for us to reconnect with fellow alumni, with faculty and staff, and with current students. It is a time to reflect on our journeys, celebrate achievements, and ignite new passions for the future. So many of our experiences and stories can provide invaluable insights and inspiration to navigate the journeys ahead.

For current students, I encourage you to explore the informal gatherings and conversations happening across the campus. Share your research, discuss your aspirations, and listen to the experiences of others. For our alum, I know the bonds you formed with peers and faculty during your time at Howard have been crucial in your professional lives. I hope that spirit of gratitude inspires you to remember the importance of giving back—financially and otherwise. As you celebrate, consider how you can contribute to the legacy of Howard University in concrete ways and beyond what you already do. Your contributions will pave the way for future generations of scholars and leaders.

On the occasion of this 100th Howard homecoming, I hope we can strengthen the ties between past and present and commit anew to excellence in truth and service. I look forward to seeing you all at the various events and celebrating our shared achievements.

Happy Homecoming and welcome home.


Dana A. Williams, PhD | Graduate Dean
