Off-Campus Tidbits | With Dr. Carlos Chapman


Grambling State University is yet one more Howard alum richer. Dr. Carlos Chapman ('23 PhD, Medical Sociology/Criminology) just landed a Visiting Professorship in their Department of Sociology and Psychology. 

Chapman initially started the semester teaching virtually from Georgia (where he grew up) as it was challenging finding housing in the Grambling (Ruston, Louisiana) area. There are a few college campuses here in the area and housing was sparse once the school year began. 

"After 10 plus hours of driving this week, I finally made it to the area and my first full week was busy. I spent the week meeting with faculty/staff, getting settled into the department (completing final on-boarding paperwork) and making a plan on how to accomplish assigned tasks/duties for my first year as a visiting professor," says Chapman.

In addition to teaching courses, Chapman also oversees the Sociology Research Club. He is planning a symposium (Spring 2025), developing courses (medical sociology/environmental), and identifying ways to engage students in exploring Sociology as a major (specifically, medical).  Chapman also serves as an advisor and supports any other program that serves Grambling's students and the university.

"I am excited for the opportunity and can see how I can be a great contribution to the University and community within my expertise," says Chapman. "I also hope to impart the knowledge gained from HU. Another is prioritization and time management. Remember the purpose of pursuing a higher education. Find balance between college course work, extra-curriculars, and outside obligations. Finally, to not forget personal self-care," he adds.

Grambling is located close to Ruston/Monroe, Louisiana. Having to move to a new area also brings opportunities. Chapman is still exploring and identifying favorite spots. 

"I am happy to have my own office space and have identified open campus space where I can sit and take in some sunshine while reflecting/relaxing for a break. This weekend, I plan to check out a dog park as I have a one year Schnauzer (my son Asher) whom also deserves some fun and relaxation," says Chapman. "Long-term, I'd like to explore more of the scenery in local towns, historic sites. I'm open to exploring as much as I can in the Louisiana area as this is my first."

