RCR Training Requirement
Conducting responsible research is more than simply following research guidelines. Ethical researchers consider how their research impacts their subjects and understand their obligation to the larger research community.
RCR Training Requirement
The Graduate School requires all enrolled (and registered) graduate students to complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) online training before the end of the second registered semester. The RCR training aims to provide graduate students with a basic understanding of properly conducting research at the graduate level.
RCR Training Goals
By the end of RCR training, students will be able to:
❱ Describe the concepts of research misconduct and research integrity
❱ Describe ethical and regulatory requirements for conducting human subjects, animal, and clinical research
❱ Recognize when laboratory and research practices deviate from what constitutes responsible conduct in research
❱ Describe ethical concerns related to the conduct of research
❱ Describe the consequences of unethical behavior in research
RCR Training Format
The RCR training includes one synchronous (live) training session with the ORRC and five asynchronous online modules taken on the Canvas platform. Full participation is required to receive credit for the training.
Required Canvas RCR Modules
❱ Research Misconduct
❱ Data Acquisition and Management
❱ Authorship/Peer Review
❱ Conflicts of Interest
❱ Mentoring/Collaborative Research
RCR Module Assessment
❱ One Case Study
❱ Multiple Choice Quiz per module
❱ Eighty percent Pass Rate
Module Completion Dates
Students must complete all modules and corresponding assessments by the dates and times listed below. The modules will become available on Canvas for the Fall 2022 semester on September 30, 2022.
❱ Fall Completion Deadline: December 15 by 11:59 pm
❱ Spring Completion Deadline: May 15, by 11:59 pm
RCR Training Certificate
Once you have completed the training, print out and save a copy of your Graduate School RCR course certificate documenting your completion of all RCR modules. You are personally responsible for documenting your RCR training. The Graduate School will not retain a copy of your RCR certificate.