The Sway | April 2024

The Sway | April 2024

Bison Trailblazers | Howard Students Leave Their Mark at Mt. Chacaltaya

by Anna De Cheke Qualls |

Howard has a footprint even on top of the Bolivia's 17785-foot Mount Chacaltaya. It is home to the world’s highest Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) station, where senior research scientist Dr. David Whiteman took a group of Howard undergrads recently. 

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My Story | My Maternal Health Story

by Imani Cabassa-George | Black Maternal Health Week is recognized each year from April 11-17 to bring attention and action to improving Black maternal health. During this year's campaign, I’ve been reflecting on my own personal Black maternal health story that led me to pursue my PhD at Howard. I found out in February of 2020 that I was pregnant. Exactly three weeks later, the world was completely shut down because of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Navigating pregnancy already brings its challenges, but navigating it during a global pandemic - when you are forced to maintain social distance protocols from everyone who is usually a part of your community - definitely brought on a toll that I didn’t expect.

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Bison Trailblazers | Cuban Study Abroad Impacts Doctoral Studies

by Imani Cabassa-George | Have you ever pictured yourself in a different country, learning the culture, exploring the cuisine, and meeting new people? Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that offers those very experiences. For doctoral student Geneva Greene, her time in Cuba last year, also impacted her research and career goals.


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Word to the Wise | Kendra Coronado

by Anna De Cheke Qualls | As an aspiring chemist and biracial woman, Kendra Coronado never saw any scientists who looked like her. Through her journey, she hopes to inspire black and brown students to pursue STEM without some of the limits she experienced. "We all have something to give to this world in our unique way but when we see someone who looks like us it lifts us up to believe that nothing is impossible," says Coronado.

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The Sway | Howard University Graduate School News

The Sway is Howard University Graduate School's news publication. It serves to celebrate and highlight graduate student, alumni, faculty and staff achievements and updates. It is published regularly during the academic year.

We also encourage all alumni to join one of our networks on LinkedIn.  The Doctoral Alumni Network can be found here, and the Master's Network here. The Graduate School also regularly publishes updates on its social media channels: Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.


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