2025 HBCU Doctoral Career Pathways Conference
Through a joint collaboration between the Graduate School and alumni, this (annual) HBCU virtual event brings together recent doctoral graduates, and current doctoral students to explore the diverse career pathways available to those with doctoral degrees.
The event features panels of doctoral alumni focused on the following: non-profits/foundations, the federal government, biotech/pharma, international/world issues, data science, postdoctoral careers, education, communications/marketing, policy/advocacy, research careers (Social Sciences), research careers (STEM), start-ups/entrepreneurship, academia, health and consulting.
How to Prepare for Alumni Career Panels
- Create or update your LinkedIn (see best practices from the Academic Designer here).
- Register to have your CV/Resume reviewed on Howard University’s Handshake site.
- Read this document to take full advantage of career panels.
- Get to know the panelists by clicking on the panel links below (most are on LinkedIn).
- Use your networking skills to connect with the speakers or other colleagues.
Organizations/Companies have approached the Graduate School about involvement. While, the conference itself works with Howard and other HBCU doctoral alumni speakers, the conference is open to sponsors. All funds benefit graduate fellowships. Further information can be found here:
Schedule | Monday - March 24, 2025
11:00 AM | Academia Panel
Dr. Samantha Strachan
Dr. Kendra R. Parker
Dr. Ada Vilageliu-Diaz, Dr. Melvin L. Williams
Dr. Darla M. Scott
Dr. Nickesia Gordon
12:15 PM | Federal/Local Government and Public Service
Dr. Christian O. Díaz Cáez
Dr. Tiffany Tuma
Dr. Rodney L. Terry
1:30 PM | Nonprofit Panel
Dr. Aidin Brown
Dr. Alexandra Jones
Dr. Vonnice J. Boone
Dr. Rhoda Wright
2:45 | Health Careers Panel
Dr. Lia Rohlehr
Dr. Chmaika Mills
Dr. Damian Elias
Dr. Chassity Todd
Tuesday | March 25, 2025
11:00 AM | Education Panel
Moderator | Dr. Calvin Hadley
Dr. Shaunte Montgomery
Dr. Ann-Marie Waterman
Christina Lincoln-Moore
Dr. Terry Cooper
12:15 PM | STEM Research Panel (non-academic)
Dr. Anaiya Reliford
Dr. Opel Jones
Dr. Latisha Franklin
Dr. Domenique Lumpkin
1:30 PM | Data Science | Cybersecurity | AI Panel
Dr. Hassan Karim
Dr. Brandon Crosby
2:45 PM - Biotech/Pharma Panel
Dr. Grace Mavodza
Dr. Ashley Queen
Wednesday | March 26, 2025
10:00 AM | Consulting
Nailah Harvey | Facilitator
Dr. Paris Gasque
Dr. Tracey Thomas
Dr. Charnette Gadling-Cole
Dr. Monea R. Beene
Dr. Brittany Lee-Wright
11:00 AM | International Issues/Careers Panel
Dr. Ashleigh Brown-Grier
Dr. Stephanie Tilley
Dr. Tonija M. Hope
Dr. Leslie Payne
12:15 PM | Policy and Advocacy Panel
Dr. Cassandra St. Vil
Dr. DeAnna Nara
Rachel White JD
Dr. Arelia Johnson
1:30 PM | Communication and Marketing Panel
Dr. Shamilla Amulega Akabike
Dr. Crystal deGregory
Dr. Kekeli Nuviadenu
2:45 PM | Social Science Research Panel (non-academic)
Dr. Pamela Felder Small
Dr. Enrique Lopezlira
Dr. Symone Campbell
Terrence Frazier
Thursday | March 27, 2025
10:00 AM | Start-ups and Entrepreneurial Panel
Dr. Keisha Mack
Dr. Tyne Orí
Dr. Luis Camillo Almeida
Dr. Vernon A. Ruffin
11:15 AM | Postdoctoral Panel
Dr. Bequita Pegram
Dr. Tarek Zidan
Dr. Catherine C. Saunders
Dr. Md Rayhan Shaheb
1:30 PM | Doctoral Program Preparation: A Guide for Undergrads
Miriam Okine Davies