Article VI. General Requirements for Doctor of Philosophy Degree


Section 1. Residency, Credit Requirements, and Admission to Candidacy

A. Residency

A minimum of six (6) credit hours per semester constitutes residency. A student must be in residence in the Graduate School for at least four (4) semesters to be recommended for a degree. Credits transferred from other accredited graduate institutions may not be used to meet the residency requirement.

B. Minimum Credit Requirements

The minimum course credits for the degree are 72 graduate credits (inclusive of dissertation) beyond the bachelor's degree. However, departments may require credits in excess of this amount, and various factors may result in a student’s taking more than the minimum number of credit hours prior to satisfactorily completing the degree requirements. No more than twelve (12) credits in dissertation writing courses may count towards the requirements for the degree. The completion of minimum course requirements or credit does not guarantee receipt of the degree.

C. Admission to Candidacy

Admission to the Ph.D. program does not automatically admit a student to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. A student shall be admitted to candidacy upon completion of requirements for the Ph.D. degree, except the dissertation and internship/externship.
1. A student can be admitted to candidacy upon meeting the following requirements:
2. Submit a complete admission to candidacy form to the Graduate School. It must include a list of graduate courses completed, those in process, and those courses in the field yet to be completed.
3. Pass all the required core courses.
4. Pass the qualifying and/or comprehensive examination administered by the department (where applicable).
5. Demonstrate proficiency in expository writing in addition to satisfying the RCR requirements as described in Article IV above.
6. Pass the foreign language examination or fulfil the approved substitute (where applicable).
7. Secure the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB), Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC), Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) or other institutional committees as required for the research project. Upon approval, students cannot begin the research project until advancement to candidacy has been awarded.
8. Receive approval of a dissertation topic via a process determined by the Committee on Graduate Studies in the major department. A copy of the approved dissertation proposal must accompany the request for the admission to candidacy.
9. Receive the endorsement of the Committee on Graduate Studies in the major department; and,
10. Receive the approval of the Graduate School.

Admission to candidacy must be achieved at least one semester prior to that in which the student expects to receive the degree.

Candidacy for the Ph.D. degree shall be valid for no more than five academic years. Any student seeking renewal of candidacy must apply to the Graduate School through the department for readmission. The department in which the student is seeking the degree shall determine the conditions under which the student may be reinstated, subject to approval of the Graduate School.

The responsibility for fulfilling these requirements is that of the student. Students should consult the Director of Graduate Studies in their department if in doubt as to any of the requirements. Students should carefully note the specific requirements of their departments relative to admission to candidacy and regard them as additional to these general requirements.

The Director of Graduate Studies in each program/department will upload all the candidacy documents to BisonHub. Students must check BisonHub to ensure that all completed and approved documents have been uploaded.
NOTE 1: Documents must not be uploaded to BisonHub for students who have been in the program for seven (7) or more years (time-to-degree). Students who are in time to degree must check with their Chair or Director of Graduate Studies regarding eligibility to continue in the program. No exceptions will be granted. See Article VI; Section 2A.

NOTE 2: Any changes to thesis committee membership after the candidacy approval must be submitted in writing to the Graduate Dean.

Section 2. Course requirements

A. Length of Time for Completion of the Ph.D. Degree

Students are expected to complete a Ph.D. degree within a maximum of seven (7) years from the date of initial matriculation in the program. A student who exceeds this period may be dismissed.

An electronic Petition for Extension of Time to Complete Degree Requirements Form must be completed and approved by the student’s academic advisor, Director of Graduate Studies, program/department Chair, and the Executive Committee of the Graduate School. The petition and supporting documents must be filled out completely and the necessary signatures must be obtained prior to submitting the petition to the Graduate School. The petition can be located on the Graduate School’s Website ( Petitions that are not signed will not be accepted.

NOTE: Students must consult with their academic advisor to determine the feasibility of completing the program and any outstanding program requirements within the two extended academic terms allowed by the petition if approved.

Students who are in time-to-degree status seven years)ed ) will not be allowed to register for courses or enroll at the university as a former student returning prior to receiving approval of the petition to extend the program of study submitted to the executive committee of the Graduate School . Students who are attempting to apply as a former student returning and who have not been enrolled in a program of study beyond seven years will not be eligible to petition to extend their program.

NOTE: Students approaching the end of the seven-year time to degree period are strongly encouraged to petition to extend their program of study.

If approval is not granted to continue the program of study, students will receive an official program dismissal notification letter from the Graduate Dean. Note that there are specific deadline dates that the petition form is to be submitted to the Graduate School for review and approval:

Fall Semester Review – August 15th

Spring Semester Review – January 15th

NOTE: Students who have gone beyond seven years can only petition to extend the program time for two additional academic semesters. No additional petitions will be accepted. Failure to complete the program within the designated approval time will result in an automatic dismissal.

B. Course Viability

The Graduate School has a fundamental interest in ensuring that its graduating master’s degree students have currency of knowledge in their fields. Therefore, the Graduate School places limits on the age of courses that can be counted toward the fulfillment of graduation requirements.

Credit for courses pursued 5-7 years prior to the term in which the students present themselves the final oral examination can be counted toward the fulfillment of degree requirements only if they are restored as described in this paragraph with the approval of the departmental Committee on Graduate Studies (or its equivalent by not by a single faculty member or program director) and the Graduate Dean. For a course to be restored under this paragraph, the student must pass an examination administered expressly for the purpose of restoration of credits in the course concerned in the field in which the course falls. The restoration exam can be interpreted broadly by the committee (or its equivalent) to include any assessment that reveals students' command of the field(s) covered by the course(s) needing to be restored. The course restoration policy should be written and included in the department's handbook and followed consistently.

D. Enrollment in Dissertation Writing Courses

A student should not register for dissertation writing until the student has been admitted to candidacy. A student who is using the University facilities or is conferring in person with the dissertation advisor must continue to enroll in a dissertation writing course. The student must register as an auditor if he/she has already accumulated the maximum number of hours permitted for dissertation writing courses (12 credit hours).

E. Assignment of Grades for Dissertation Writing Courses

Dissertation writing courses will be assigned a grade of satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U) while the work is in progress. The “S” or “U” grades up to 12 credits hours will receive a final letter grade upon successful passage of the final oral examination for the dissertation.

F. Enrollment in the Terminal Semester

A degree candidate must be enrolled and registered for at least one graduate credit hour during the semester in which the degree is conferred. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Section 3. Grades and Academic Status

A cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (B) is required for graduation.

A student will be permitted only two "C" grades. After the student receives a third "C" grade or below in a Ph.D. program at Howard, the student will be dismissed from the Graduate Program. In most instances, the dismissal letter will be sent prior to the start of the following semester. If it is not, the dismissal is still in effect. Accordingly, students should correspond with their Director of Graduate Studies, Chair, and Academic Dean immediately upon earning the 3rd C grade or below "C" grades earned at the master's level at Howard University or elsewhere are not to be included in this count and cannot be counted toward degree requirements (Note: this does not apply to programs that offer a master’s in passing degree)

A student who falls below 3.00 GPA will be given due notice by the Graduate School that he/she must raise his/her quality point index to 3.00 in the next term in residence. Students failing to do so will be dismissed from the Graduate School. In most instances, the dismissal letter will be sent prior to the start of the following semester. If it is not, the dismissal is still in effect. Accordingly, students should correspond with their Director of Graduate Studies, Chair, and Academic Dean immediately upon earning the 3rd C grade.

A student who demonstrates an inability to perform satisfactorily at the graduate level may be recommended for dismissal.

Section 4. Program of Study

Each department in which the student is enrolled shall specify the programs and the requirements for each matriculating degree student. An approved Program of Study is located in BisonHubfor each program. It is the responsibility of all students to make certain that they are on track with the documented Program of Study.

Section 5. Advanced Standing for Graduate Courses at Another Higher Education Institution in the Pursuit of a Ph.D. Degree

Graduate level coursework completed at another institution may be approved for advanced standing provided an equivalent course exists at Howard University. The desired equivalency must meet a graduation requirement in the student’s program of study providing the course has not been taken no more than ten years prior to a student’s entrance into the Graduate School

The academic advisor may recommend advanced standing of graduate credits earned in other graduate degree programs where the grade is B or better. However, it must be the considered judgment of the department/program that the work is relevant and meets the objectives of comparable courses in the program of study.

Students holding a bachelor’s degree who were admitted directly into the Ph.D. program may—with the approval of the Committee on Graduate Studies—transfer a maximum of 18 semester credit hours of graduate credits with a grade of B or better into the Ph.D. program.
Students holding a master’s degree from a recognized accredited institution (this includes Howard University), or an equivalent international institution may transfer no more than 24 graduate course credits with a grade of B or better into the Ph.D. program, dependent upon approval of the Committee on Graduate Studies in the major department.

Separation from a Graduate Department/Program

To separate from a current department/program and apply to a new department/program in the Graduate School, students must meet the following requirements:

a. must be in good academic standing (i.e., 3.0 or above gpa, time to degree).
b. must obtain a signed written release letter from a Chair or Director of Graduate Studies in the current department/program.
c. must apply to the new department/program through the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions via the appropriate CAS portal. The application must be accompanied by a signed and approved release letter from the Chair or Director of Graduate Studies.

Note: The student must check with the Office of Financial aid when separating from a current department/program and applying to another department/program regarding continued financial aid eligibility.

Section 6. Language Requirement

The department in which the student is enrolled shall determine any language requirement(s) or its substitute.

Students may satisfy the language requirement by passing an examination prepared by the World Languages and Cultures department at Howard University based on materials submitted by the department concerned.

Section 7. Ph.D. Qualifying and/or Comprehensive Examinations

The student will be required to pass a qualifying and/or comprehensive examination administered by the Graduate Faculty of the department in which the student is enrolled. This examination will be given only once each semester. A student should take the examination while earning his/her first 48 credits towards the Ph.D. degree, or as required by the department concerned. Students must consult their program/department for specific information on the examination(s).

A candidate who fails such an examination on the first try may sit for a second examination. Once an examination has started, it is considered an attempt. The second examination cannot be administered earlier than two months from the date of the first examination. Failure (including an attempt) on the second examination will result in dismissal from the Graduate School. There are no exceptions.

NOTE: Students seeking accommodations for the examination must present an approved accommodation letter from the Office of Student Accessibility to their Chair or Director of Graduate Studies when scheduling the exam. The letter must be approved for the semester the student is taking the examination.

Section 8. Dissertation Proposal, Committee, Document, and Defense

Ph.D. programs require the submission of a dissertation in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree. A member of the Graduate Faculty who shall act as the student’s research/dissertation advisor must supervise students preparing the dissertation document. Said research/dissertation advisor and at least one additional committee member (other than the external evaluator) must be a member of the department in which the degree will be granted. Students are advised to consult their departments concerning additional committee requirements. Emeritus, clinical, or research faculty at the university must gain permission from the Graduate Dean for a fixed term appointment to serve on a dissertation committee. Similarly, scholars from other institutions, independent scholars, and practitioners are required to also gain permission from the Graduate Dean for a fixed term appointment.

A. Dissertation Proposal

The subject of the dissertation shall be determined as early in the program as possible. As a condition for admission to candidacy, the student must present an approved proposal for the doctoral dissertation research as authorized by the student’s advisor and members of the dissertation committee.

The proposal should include an outline of the proposed research including the nature, scope, and significance of the problem, the theory, methodology, and a tentative title. A copy of the approved dissertation proposal must accompany the admission to candidacy form submitted to the Graduate School. The proposal and candidacy application must be approved by at least four members of the Graduate Faculty with at least two members from the department.

B. Dissertation Committee

The dissertation committee must consist of the dissertation advisor (a member of the graduate faculty that resides in the department where the degree will be conferred), at least three other members of the Graduate Faculty, and an external member of comparable stature as determined by the Committee on Graduate Studies. The student must not have any conflicts of interest with the external examiner that would compromise the integrity of the evaluation. The external examiner must be a recognized authority in the area of research and scholarship treated in the dissertation to be defended. The examiner’s academic and professional credentials must be comparable to those of Howard University Graduate Faculty. The external examiner must have earned a PhD degree or a comparable degree from another academic system. Specialists in the area of the dissertation research who have been involved in any way with the dissertation or advisement thereof are not eligible to serve as an external examiner.

Each member of the committee is responsible for fully reviewing and approving both the process and the final dissertation document. Final approval of the dissertation, in all aspects, is the responsibility of the full dissertation committee acting on behalf of the Graduate School.

The appointed dissertation committee must designate a Howard faculty member to chair of the approved dissertation defense. To ensure objectively, the doctoral candidate’s dissertation advisor cannot chair the final oral dissertation defense.

C. Dissertation Document

The candidate for the Doctor of Philosophy degree is required to present a dissertation, which is the result of significant and sustained research in his/her discipline. The student must demonstrate ability to organize and effectively present the findings and results of his/her research. When completed, it is expected that such research will make a meritorious contribution to the field of knowledge.

The document shall be prepared in accordance with the conventions of the discipline and conform to the requirements of the Graduate School as specified in the manual available in the Graduate School. Before the final oral examination is scheduled, the dissertation must be deposited with the Graduate School according to a schedule established by the Graduate School. The dissertation shall also be deposited in the department where the student is seeking the Ph.D. degree not later than three weeks before the date of the final examination for the degree. The candidate shall prepare three copies of the dissertation and four copies of the dissertation abstract in accordance with the prevailing Graduate School guidelines on preparing such documents.

D. Final Oral Examination and Defense of the Dissertation

The candidate shall be required to pass a final oral examination in defense of the dissertation. The examination shall be based primarily on his/her research, the field of his/her research, and related areas of study. The final oral examination/defense of the dissertation should be scheduled only after the advisor and committee members agree that the dissertation in draft is viable and ready for defense. This does not imply passing of the examination; it does, however, assume readiness to defend the dissertation and that the committee has read the draft carefully. Under no circumstances shall a defense be scheduled until all committee members have read the draft carefully.

The oral examination (dissertation) committee shall consist of a minimum of five members, four of whom must be current members of the Graduate Faculty at Howard University, and at least one of whom shall be from outside the University and be of comparable stature (see: Article I, Section 4). Upon the recommendation of the Committee on Graduate Studies in the department where the degree is earned, the Dean of the Graduate School shall appoint members of the oral examination (dissertation) committee.

The process for the conduct of the final oral examination shall be as follows:
1. The Committee on Graduate Studies in the major department shall request permission from the Graduate School to conduct an oral examination, adhering to the published deadlines. A copy of the approved candidacy form must accompany the request. Currency of courses as stipulated in Article VI, Section 2B must be established and affirmed in the memorandum to request the scheduling of an oral examination.
2. The Committee on Graduate Studies in the department shall submit to the Graduate Dean a list of recommended examiners.
3. The Graduate Dean or his/her designee shall appoint an examination committee and shall notify each member of the committee of the date, time, and place of the examination.
4. The Graduate Dean and Associate/Assistant Deans of the Graduate School shall be ex-officio members of all oral examination (dissertation) committees.

The final oral examination shall be open to members of the faculty of the University and to other persons whom the candidate’s major department or the candidate may invite. Final approval of the dissertation in all aspects is the responsibility of the full committee acting on behalf of the Graduate School.

The candidate has five (5) working days to make any and all modifications to the dissertation document. Any delays beyond the five days may result in a repeat of the oral dissertation defense.

A candidate who fails the oral examination (dissertation defense) on the first try may sit for a second examination, provided that the second examination is not administered earlier than two months from the date of the first examination. Failure on the second examination will result in dismissal from the Graduate School. A student dismissed for this reason will not be readmitted to the Graduate School.

A department can recommend dismissal of a student who, after failing the dissertation oral defense the first time, does not resubmit an acceptable revision of the dissertation and present himself/herself for re-examination within a six-month period.

E. Master’s Enroute to the Doctoral Degree (Only If your department/program participates)

The Master’s enroute to the doctoral degree allows doctoral students currently enrolled in a doctoral program and in good standing, to concurrently pursue a master’s degree while continuing to make adequate progress toward their doctoral degree. Students who have completed all requirements for a master’s degree in their respective program of study will be awarded a master’s degree (e.g., MA, MS, M.EG degree). This allows students in the Graduate School, who have fulfilled all requirements of a master’s degree in their respective field of study, to receive formal attribution for their work.

A student’s failure to make significant academic progress in their doctoral program will be recommended for dismissal. If applicable, a student (if eligible) can request a terminal master’s degree. This is contingent upon whether all requirements for the master’s degree have been completed. This is the sole discretion of the graduate program.

Coursework required for a master’s degree, in most cases, may also be used to satisfy the doctoral degree coursework requirement. Students must check with the Chair or the Director of Graduate Studies to see which courses maybe applied to the doctoral program scheme. The minimum credit hours typically required for the doctoral degree (30 credit hours) may be reduced by 6 credit hours for students pursuing an enroute master’s degree or specialist degree.
Important Note: The seven-year time limit applies to all doctoral programs, even cases where a student is pursuing a master's degree enroute to the doctorate.