Article VII. General Requirements for Certificate Programs


Certificate programs have been established in the Graduate School to 1) enhance the marketability of graduate students and programs across the university; 2) provide a service to the community at-large through short-term, academic-based graduate programs; and 3) provide expanded opportunities for students wishing to further their education for personal or career advancement.

These programs are of two general types: those intended as enhancements to existing degree programs and those intended to stand alone.

Section 1. Residency and Credit Requirements

A. Residency

A minimum of three (3) credit hours per semester constitutes residency. A student must be in residence in the Graduate School for at least one (1) semester in order to be recommended for a certificate. Credits transferred from other accredited graduate or undergraduate institutions may not be used to meet the requirements of a certificate program. Students enrolled in online courses offered by the Graduate School of Howard University are considered in-residence for such courses.

B. Minimum Credit Requirements

The number of credits required for certificate programs will be determined by the departments offering the programs but will generally be 12-18. Students pursuing such programs must consult the specific program/ departmental requirements.

Section 2. Course Requirements

A. Length of Time for Completion of the Certificate Program

Students must complete a certificate program that is part of a master’s or a Ph.D. program by the time they complete the requirements for the degree. Students must complete a stand-alone certificate program in two years from the date of original registration. Those who have not completed the program within that time may be dismissed. Students who have not completed the program within two calendar years may petition for readmission and may be readmitted only upon fulfillment of conditions recommended by the departmental Committee on Graduate Studies and 
approved by the Executive Committee of the Graduate School, subject to the rules for readmission to the Graduate School in Article I, Section 7.

B. Course Viability

For certificate programs that are included in a degree program, course viability will be the same as for other courses taken for the degree. Stand-alone Certificate Programs must be completed in two calendar years except where an exception is provided under the same procedures described in Article V, Section 2(B) of these Rules.

Section 3. Grades and Academic Status

A. A cumulative grade point average of 3.00 (B) is required for the awarding of a certificate.

B. A student will be permitted only two grades below B- and will be dismissed after he/she receives a third grade below B-.

C. A student who falls below 3.00 GPA will be given due notice by the Graduate School that he/she must raise his/her quality point index to 3.00 in the next two terms in residence. Students failing to do so will be dismissed from the Graduate School. In most instances, the dismissal letter will be sent prior to the start of the following semester. If it is not, the dismissal is still in effect. Accordingly, students should correspond with their Director of Graduate Studies, Chair, and Academic Dean immediately upon earning a cumulative grade point average below a 3.00; and

D. A student who demonstrates an inability to perform satisfactorily at the graduate level will be recommended for dismissal.

Section 4. Program of Study

Each department in which the student is enrolled shall specify the programs and the requirements for each matriculating certificate student. An approved Program of Study for each student must be filed with the Graduate School and uploaded to BisonHub no later than the end of the first semester in residence. The responsibility of submitting the individualized Program of Study is that of the student. Failure to do so in a timely manner may result in suspension of enrollment privileges at the University.

Section 5. Advanced Standing in a Certificate Program

Generally, students may not transfer credits from other programs or institutions to a certificate program.
Students currently enrolled in a program of the Graduate School who wish to seek a Certificate in the Graduate School must formally apply for admission into the certificate program and obtain written acceptance from the department in which the certificate is offered. A copy of the approved document must be submitted to the Graduate School.