Article X. Graduate Professional Development


Professional development is an integral part of graduate education. In coordination with offices and centers across campus, the Graduate School helps graduate students develop the skills they need to succeed in both the academic and non-academic worlds. The University provides abundant opportunities for students to develop as teachers, scholars, speakers, and researchers.

Section 1. Development Plan

The Graduate School encourages students to develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP) to map out career goals and the steps of their professional development. Workshops are held to assist students with the development and appropriate use of IDPs. Many excellent templates are available to help graduate students identify resources and areas of development, assess progress; and systematically adjustments as goals to achieve milestones.
Students enrolled in:

• humanities and social sciences programs are encouraged to use “ImaginePhD,” which is a cost-free online career exploration and planning tool for PhD students and postdoctoral scholars. (Access: )
• biological and physical sciences (all STEM fields) programs are encouraged to use “myIDP,” which is a web-based career-planning tool, hosted by the AAAS. (Access: any graduate discipline may also use one of the following:
o APA's Resource for Individual Development Plans, which guides students through the necessary steps for taking charge of their professional and career development. (Access: )
o Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), which is designed for postdoctoral scholars/trainees, but suitable for graduate students. (Access: )

Section 2. Graduate Student Success Series (GS3)

Professional development is an integral part of graduate education. In coordination with offices and centers across campus, the Graduate School helps graduate students develop the skills they need to succeed in both the academic and non-academic worlds. The University provides abundant opportunities for students to develop as teachers, scholars, speakers, and researchers.

Section 3. Graduate Student Success Series (GS3)

The Graduate School is a physical, administrative, and emotional hub for graduate students to work, study and build community across disciplines. The Office of Graduate Student Affairs convenes a robust schedule of retention programming, “The Graduate Student Success Series (GS3),” to support and nurture students by strengthening their academic and research skills, professional development, and well-being. These activities are posted on the website and are offered cost-free to graduate students. Registration is required to ensure adequate space.  Please contact for additional information and support.