Article XIII. Academic Code of Student Conduct

ARTICLE XIII. Academic Code of Student Conduct

(Revised 2010) Approved by the Board of Trustees, June 29, 2010

Howard University is a community of scholars composed of faculty and students both of whom must hold the pursuit of learning and search for truth in the highest regard. Such regard requires adherence to the goal of unquestionable integrity and honesty in the discharge of teaching and learning responsibilities. Such regard allows no place for academic dishonesty. To better assure the realization of this goal any student enrolled for study at the University may be disciplined for the academic infractions defined below.

Section 1. Definitions of Academic Infractions

1. Academic Cheating

Any intentional act(s) of dishonesty in the fulfillment of academic course or program requirements. This offense shall include (but is not limited to) utilization of the assistance of any additional individual(s), organization, document, or other aid not specifically and expressly authorized by the instructor or department involved. (Note: This infraction assumes that except for authorized group assignment or group take-home assignments, all course or program assignments shall be completed by an individual student only without any consultation or collaboration with any other individual, organization, or aid.)

2. Plagiarism

To take and pass off intentionally as one’s own the ideas, writings, etc. of another without attribution (without acknowledging the author).

3. Copy Infringement

Copy infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner.